JNO-DPTS (Down load Catalog JNO-DPTS)
The Unit to observe fluorescence image and IR DIC image at the same time with Multi-Dual Port tube of BX51-WI
(Made by JNOpTIC co.,ltd )

- Simultaneously Observation
2-1. One Way((IR-DIC 775nm)
2-2. One Way((Visible Spectrum)
Simultaneously observation
– CA3 pyramidal neuron, IR-DIC & Alexa Fluor 488 (50 uM)

Figure courtesy by Dr. Sooyun Kim, Seoul National University

AcquCAM 23S & JNO-RNB filter with BX51WI (Download Catalog AcquCAM 23S)

AcquCAM 23S & JNO-RNB filter with BX51WI (Download Catalog AcquCAM 23S)
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