DyLight 549

Spectrum Chart

DyLight 549 Spectrum


Recommended Filter Set

  • 일반 형광 Lighting source 사용시

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
JNO-G(B) 540/25
565 (LP) 605/55
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49004 545/25
565 (LP) 605/70
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission
49305 546/22
565 (LP) 590/33
Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission


  • 레이저 Lighting source 사용시

Filter Model No. Excitation filter (㎚) Dichroic mirror (㎚) Emission filter (㎚) Remarks
49907 532/10
532 (LP) 575/50
For use with laser between 529~535

Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission

49909 561/10
532 (LP) 600/50
For use with laser between 529~535

Narrow Excitation band,
Bandpass Emission