카테고리 보관물: Filter

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

결핵 검진을 위한 형광현미경 검경법

Auramine O나 Auramine-rhodamine을 이용한 염색법으로 20x 또는 40x 대물렌즈로 관찰 한다 (접안렌즈 기준 200배 또는 400배). 이러한 형광염색은 Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) 염색에 비해 민감도가 10% 높아서 관찰량이 많은 사용자에게 권고하는 것이 좋다.


Ex: 425~475 ㎚, Dm: 485 ㎚, Em: 495 ㎚~
Auramine Longpass
Olympus Filter cube

Industrial Filters

UV FILTER ( 자외선 투과 필터 )

270 ㎚ 투과필터 ( 263 ~ 277 ㎚ ) 350 ㎚ 투과필터( 325 ~ 375 ㎚ )

NIR FILTER ( 근적외선 필터 )

780 ㎚ 이상 투과필터 ( 780 ㎚ ~ ) 밴드투과 필터 ( 771 ~ 851 ㎚ )

Near Infrared Camera
근적외선 관찰 카메라

AcquCAM 23GR2

칼라 카메라

– 근적외선 대응 –
Color Camera

UV 자극을 이용한 형광 이미지 _ DAPI
AcquCAM 23S2

흑백 카메라

– 근적외선 대응 –
Monochrome Camera ( IR-DIC Imagea )

적외선을 이용한 미분 간섭 관찰 이미지


JNOPTIC Filter 79004

ET – Fura 2/GFP

79004 Spectrum

Filters Type
ET340x EX
ET380x EX
ET470/40x EX
T495lpxru BS
ET535/70m EM


79004 Spec

NOTE: sets with multi-band excitation filters are not appropriate for imaging with a monochrome camera.



JNOPTIC Filter 79003

ET – Fura 2/TRITC

79003 Spectrum

Filters Type
ET340x EX
ET380x EX
ET555/25x EX
79003bs BS
79003m EM


79003 Spec

NOTE: sets with multi-band excitation filters are not appropriate for imaging with a monochrome camera.


JNOPTIC Filter 79001

ET – Fura 2

79001 Spectrum

Filters Type
ET340x EX
ET380x EX
T400lp BS
ET510/80m EM


79001 Spec

NOTE: sets with multi-band excitation filters are not appropriate for imaging with a monochrome camera.



JNOPTIC Filter 89403

ET – 436-28/506-21/578-24/730-40 Multi LED set

Quad band catalog set for Multi LED light engines like those manufactured by Lumencor, CoolLED, Excelitas and Cairn Research. Excitation passbands are matched to discrete, triggerable LEDs appropriate for excitation of CFP/YFP/RFP/Cy7 and similar fluors. Not intended for use with white light sources.

89403 Spectrum

Filters Type
89403x EX
89403bs BS
89403m EM


89403 Spec

NOTE: These require the use of filter wheels or sliders, or image-splitting devices to hold multiple individual filters.



JNOPTIC Filter 59217

ET – ECFP/EYFP with single band exciters

59217 Spectrum

Filters Type
ET430/24x EX
ET500/20x EX
69008bs  BS
59017m EM


59217 Spec

NOTE: sets with multi-band excitation filters are not appropriate for imaging with a monochrome camera.



JNOPTIC Filter 59222

ET – EGFP/mCherry (or FITC/TxRed) with single band exciters

59222 Spectrum

Filters Type
ET470/40x EX
ET572/35x EX
59022bs  BS
59022m EM


59222 Spec

NOTE: sets with multi-band excitation filters are not appropriate for imaging with a monochrome camera.



JNOPTIC Filter 59017


59017 Spectrum

Filters Type
59017x EX
69008bs BS
59017m EM


59017 Spec

NOTE: sets with multi-band excitation filters are not appropriate for imaging with a monochrome camera.


JNOPTIC Filter 59022

ET – EGFP/mCherry (or FITC/TxRed)

59022 Spectrum

Filters Type
59022x EX
59022bs BS
59022m EM


59022 Spec

NOTE: sets with multi-band excitation filters are not appropriate for imaging with a monochrome camera.